Bringing undiscovered products to London…
Looking at honey on the supermarket shelves, there’s not much to distinguish one from the other.
So we set up From Field and Flower to bring fantastic honeys to London. We specialise in truly special varieties, that we think reflect the flavours that come from the rolling hills, mountains, plains and woodlands of their origin.
We carefully select our products on the basis of some really simple principles;
- Does it come from great, small producers who really care about their bees?
- Is it delicious as it is, or can it be made into something plate lickingly good?
- Would we be happy to share it with our friends and family?
Please find further details of our products below:

Raw Honey
Raw British Honey
From England we offer London honey from Greenwich, South-East London. From Devon in the south-west of England we have a mixed Devon flower honey & honeycomb, plus Heather honey from Exmoor National Park. Last but not least, we also have Sussex Wildflower honey infused with Vanilla pods, plus dinky mini pots of pure honey.
Raw Italian Honey
Made by the Borzoni family, a small producer, based in the northern Piedmontese province of Novara, Italy. Novara is a varied region in terms of the landscape; as well as miles of flatlands, there are also plenty of hills, lakes and dense woodland. The Borzoni’s make the finest honey. Pure and unprocessed to ensure all of the beneficial properties are maintained.
Raw Swedish Honey
We offer creamed Swedish honey from southern Sweden. Silky smooth in texture, with an opaque colour and thick set consistency.
Raw Spanish Honey
We have two classic honeys from Spain. Lavender honey from the south-east and Orange Blossom from the south of the country.
Raw Mexican Honey
Hailing from the Yucatan Peninsula, this honey is tropically floral with smokey notes. Made from wild Mexican flowers, cacti blossom, agave and wild thyme.
Raw Australian Honey
This honey comes from Tasmania, off the coast of Australia. The Leatherwood Eucryphia Lucida tree, and is endemic to western Tasmania, which boasts some of the world’s most cleanest air and water, and most ancient and unspoiled forests.
Raw Honey Creme
A blend of 94% Acacia honey and 6% pure fruit. No added sugars in the fruit, with the consistency and benefits of raw honey.
Made by the Galleazzi family, based in the northern Piedmontese province of Novara, Italy. Based by Lake Maggiore, the Galleazzi’s make delicious, intensely flavourful honey cremes using fresh fruit blended with their own Acacia honey and that’s it.